No Time to Think

It is worth watching the talk given by David Levy at Google in 2008 called “No Time to Think“. He highlights how intellect has two aspects – one that is about searching, abstracting, refining and concluding (the stuff we are generally taught to be good at) – the other is about thinking, reflection, assimilation and contemplation – and that both are important, and that the second scholarly aspect is not given equal weighting. It is worth checking out the video if you have time ;>

Series of short video conversations with Ken Robinson

Jon Perera from Adobe has posted a series of short video conversation with Sir Ken Robinson on the importance of creativity in education and business. It follows on from Adobe’s large study on the people’s attitudes towards creativity.

1. A conversation with Ken Robinson (start) 

2. Picasso and the plumber – where is the true creative?

3. Why is creativity important in education?

4. What is your hope for the future of creativity?